Monday, June 25, 2007

A sad Day Indeed

 it would seem that the death of Chris Benoit and his family was at his own hands. It is being ruled as a double homicide, and suicide. This does nothing to quell my anger . How could this happen? This man is right at the pinnacle of his carreer. How could he take the life of his own son, and his wife? None of this makes any sense at all. I guess we shall never know the evil that lurks in men's hearts.


         Even though this news just makes this thing worse, I could not, in good conscience, leave here this evening without telling those of you who were interested, the truth. But my initial question remains..."what the fuck is wrong with people these days"? I just can't fathom something like this. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know as soon as I knew. I am terribly sorry to have to bring this to you.


        :-(Holla' If You Hear Me!!!:-(


Anonymous said...

yes it certainly is a sad thing. how anyone can take the life of their own child is beyond me. its just a horrible, sickening thing!

Anonymous said...

None of this makes any sense at all. I guess we shall never know the evil that lurks in men's hearts.

No, I'll never understand.  Recently we had a Dr. in Charlotte, NC stab his twin daughters to death.  and what about the woman who drowned her 5 children.

Take you own life if you must but do not kill our innocent children.