Well, well...Mr. Libby gets 21 months in jail. Let's review, shall we? He negligently, and willfully endangered the life of an undercover agent to cover up for the lies told by one Mr. George Bush. He lied to everyone who cared to question him about his "antics". He willfully withheld information crucial to the investigation of this case,and, I suspect, continues to withhold information. He helped in getting Mr. Bush his dirty little war in Iraq unlawfully. Hmmm, 21 months, that seems about fair. Are you fuckin' kidding me?!?!?!
If this were you or I, we would never see the light of day again...ever. Remember all the "trouble" Rush Limbaugh was in for illegally obtaining prescription drugs? Oh, wait, what trouble? I guess it is true that America has the "best justice that money can buy". It is sick and disgusting. I am sick of hearing about assholes getting off with nothing, or some piss-ass little sentence in some fucking "club fed" jail. George Bush should be serving about 500 life sentences for the shit he has pulled off since his tenure in office. That also goes for anyone who helped him along the way! Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Condoleza Rice, and many more. Most have tucked their tail between their legs and run. Good, keep on going you cowards. You don't deserve to live in my America.
That's right, MY AMERICA. I was born here, and I have lived on it's mean streets my entire life. Never rich, never priviliged, never above the law. An "average" citizen to the bone. Here is something interesting; a friend asked me a few days ago, "why not just hang Mr. Bush?". Well, as much as I don't like him, I would never condone the taking of a life...any life. Even one as worthless as his. I just still cannot believe that nearly every member of the congress and the senate gave him absolute power in the wake of 9/11! Now they have the nerve to cry "foul"? Some, at least. It seems like they finally came to their senses, only about six years too late! Oh well, maybe Bush is better than nothing? Nah, nothing would be better than this mess we are stuck with.
Look at where we are now...we are seen as the "bully" of the world. Countries all over the world are telling us to mind our business. I think that is a good idea...and we have a bunch to mind. Did you know that OVER HALF of the people displaced by hurricane Katrina are STILL displaced? Just ask the folks in Texas, North Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tenneesse, Missouri, and a few other states that absorbed those poor; unfortunate people. Mr. Bush has done nothing to help them. Remember the town that was completely destroyed in Oklahoma just a few weeks ago? They were getting house trailers that were meant for misplaced residents of Katrina! It was reported that way. I guess it was as close as the liberal media would get to taking a jab at Mr. Bush....you bunch of pussies! Act like you have got a pair...tell the truth!
That is it for me today. Someone else can take a turn on the soap-box. And, please, don't be a pansy-ass, tell it like it is!
:)Holla' If You Hear Me!!!:)
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