Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Little Too Contrived...

 Ok, have you heard about this? According to C.N.N.(Contrived News Network), there were at least four men involved in a plot to blow up J.F.K. International Airport in Ney York. Really? Hmm, for an agency that couldn't forsee the plot of September 11, 2001, this seems like quite a stretch! Oh, and did they ever find the person, or persons, responsible for the Anthrax attacks on America just on the heels of 9/11?


        No, they didn't. Now, to claim to have found out this new plot to "kill thousands", and "get back at those bastards"? Sorry, folks, but I ain't buying their wolf tickets. Something very wrong has been going on since the inauguration of 2001. I can't be the only one to see it. Someone out there knows more than they are telling. Sooner or later, history will bear me out. I am not wrong about this.


            The news agency said that the plot was discovered by "Federal Authorities". Not F.B.I., not C.I.A., not "black ops". Not even the Justice Department, just "Federal Authorities". Now, it has ALWAYS been customary for these different government agencies to "take the credit", as it were, for foiling crimes. Not so anymore. All we get is "Federal Authorities"...non-specific crime-solvers. I still ain't buyin' it. Everyone and his brother in Washington, D.C. jumped on the F.B.I. in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Said they were "incompetent", that they "should have known" about the attacks BEFORE they happened. Hmmm, seems like every week or so we hear about some plot that has been uncovered by these "Federal Authorities"; pretty fuckin' good for an agency/agencies that could not have found out that more than 20 terrorists were planning to hijack four different cross-country Jumbo jets!


           As far as I can see, something just doesn't add up here. I have looked into the "rabbit hole", and it is DEEEEP my friends.I will include a link to this latest "plot" for your reading enjoyment...


             :)Holla' If You Hear Me!!!:)

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