Everyone, sit down and write a letter to our 'Great Esteemed All Powerful Leader', president George W. Bush, Jr. In this letter you only need write three words..."Enough is Enough".
Did we learn nothing in Vietnam? There is no way to win a guerilla war. The out-matched little guys in Vietnam kicked our asses, and left us with 58,000 dead young men and women, and countless others missing. Russia spent ten years in Afghanistan, and ended up with the same outcome as we did in the 'Nam. The guerillas win every time. How do you think WE beat the Brits back in the 1700's?
I understand the motives for our troops being in the middle east, I do. But, after four years of having them send our troops back home in body bags, I have had enough. I am especially pissed off to know that the same people we are fighting against were provided with AMERICAN WEAPONS, and AMERICAN MONEY!! Our government even HELPED these same people to push their drugs all over the world! And our own C.I.A. trained these assholes!
Oh, wait, you don't believe that? Well, just find Colonel Oliver North, and I'm sure he could give you some insight into this matter! Ever hear of a little nation called "Nicaraugua"? We did the same there, too. Has everyone forgotten that the United States provided Saddam Hussien with biological weapons back in the 80's? And we also turned a blind eye when he used said weapons on his own people, and the Iraquis?
The United States Government needs to stop meddlin' in other people's affairs! Did you know that to placate China, and North Korea, we are prepared to send them BILLIONS in "aid"? I'm sorry, but "aid" seems to be spelled another way here---"b-r-i-b-e." There are far too many things that money could be used for here at home! Fuck these little piss-ant countries! Let them kill each other, and we can just stay out of it! Not one more of our troops should have to die; I should not have to watch any more broken-hearted parents on CNN every morning; I should NOT have to listen about the BILLIONS of dollars in "aid" paid to these assholes just to make them happy.
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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