Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good News, Bad News

 Ok, my little "minions", the good news is that it is only type two at this point. The bad news is that I am a diabetic. That is why I have not been here for a few days. I have been busy going for tests this week. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.


          Don't worry, though. You will never hear me say "why me"?  I prefer to think, "why NOT me"? Am I better than anyone else who has this condition? No, I am not, so, why not me? I surely wouldn't wish it on someone else! I guess I will just have to use my best weapon in this fight---the internet, and the knowledge I can glean from it!


         This is nothing more than another hurdle in my life, and I will clear it. Don't feel bad for me, I certainly don't. This is just another challenge that has been put to me. I have been through far worse. Don't believe me? Go to the beginning of this journal, and you will see!!! Take care untill we 'meet' again!!!


                 Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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