Thursday, June 29, 2006

Welcome to the Comedy

   Well, as things are want to go, a couple of my friends from here in town are now on-line! Let us all welcome Michelle and Eric!! Michelle, the jokes are for you today. Like, take my wife, please!! Actually, my wife and I have a love-hate relationship---she LOVES HATING me!!! But, seriously, we have a give-and-take philosophy....I keep giving, and she keeps taking!!!   Ahhh, I'm just kidding, I love my wife like a sister----oh, wait, this is Mississippi, she may BE my sister!!!!!!!!!!


            Ok Michelle, those should keep me in the barn for at least untill cold weather comes!!! Folks, Eric and I share a love of video games. He can usually be found at my house, playing games, or swapping codes, or games, or other gear. Hell, if his wife can't find him, I think she calls ME before she calls Eric's MOM!!! LOL


                Well, my oldest daughter will be 23 years old July 7th, and HER daughter will be six years old on July 18th. Oh, also in there is my wife's and my 24th wedding anniversary!! Actually, it is July the 4th. Before we were married, I promised her parades and fireworks on our anniversary. She said that I could never keep that promise, so I married her on the 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER break a promise!!!


         Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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