Monday, January 14, 2008

Diplomacy? When Did that Happen?

So, last week, in one of his speeches to no one in particular(except the gov't controlled media), Mr. Bush said that he has always stated that things could be handled with diplomacy! Really, when did he ever say that? Ask the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea, China, and I just bet they will call him a liar! Mr. Bush's idea of "diplomacy" is that you agree with him, or you are an "evil-doer". Diplomacy my Aunt Fanny's ass! George Bush wouldn't know diplomacy if it jumped up and bit him on the ass!


          As I listened to the news the other day, I heard them listing the countries who have, or are expected to have, nuclear warheads. As the list was read off, it was stated that Isreal "is strongly believed" to have them. Well, why not go in there like we did with Iraq? Why not find out for sure? Why just "suspect"? Make them tell the truth! Here is an even better idea...cut the THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR funding to Isreal!


         We do NOT owe Isreal anything! Thirty Billion a year? Fuck that! The entire gross national product of that damn hole is less than that! The holocaust was 60 years ago. If they can't stand on their own feet by now, fuck them! I don't see that kind of money going to Africa, Austraila, China, Poland, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, or many others! Fuck Isreal! If we dropped them, we would be in better standing in the Global Community.


          Don't you even consider me to be anti-semetic! I don't care what kind of people they are, why are they feeding at the teat of democracy and the free world when they are like the nations around them? Women have few if any rights there. Attrocities are commited by the Israelies to catch "terrorists". They even stole the land where they now live, with the help of the United States! Piss on them, they need us more than we need them! I say cut them loose, let them sink, they are only holding us back! That thirty billion a year could go to our National Debt. Which, I might add, was completely wiped out by Bill Clinton! Eat that, Republicans!


             On a lighter note, my youngest daughter turned 16 years old today! I hope she has a great day!


Anonymous said...

well said.

Anonymous said...

YAY! YOU Added Me! The Birthday Gurl! Whoot! I Feel Special! Lets Have My Super Sweet 16!!!!