"Rock Stars"...what a life that must be! I can remember back when rock stars made news just by tearing up hotel rooms, and wrecking cars when they were doing the drug d'jour! Nowadays, we have tradgedies like "Brittany". Taken out of her home after a three hour stand-off with police and other "officials". And just think, everyone said her husband, Kevin Federline, was a joke. Who's laughing now?
But wait, there's more! Take Angelina Jolie, and Brad pit. They wanted to adopt a child. A noble aspiration, to be sure. So, what do they do? They go to some third-world country, and adopt some kids! No doubt liberal pay-offs to local authorities helped to insure a speedy "adoption". Hmm, I guess all of the available kids in the U.S. were taken? Yeah, right!
Stupid people shouldn't breed...or adopt! What is wrong with the world today? I can tell you...liberals and movie and rock stars! It is no wonder that Muslim-run countries call us the new Babylon! America looks like Rome just before the fall. This country should be run by people like me! Nearly every week we hear about another politician caught in a gay affair, or molesting some page, or volunteer! Our politicans are lazy and fat! They care for nothing, save lining their own pockets!
You want to fight the "war on terror"? Put some of those fat, lazy fucking politicians in the war! It would become so bogged down that the other side would just give up! Have you seen the new public service announcements about terrorist attacks? A little kid asks his mom what to do in the event of an attack, and she says she doesn't know! Just more scare tactics from a pitiful and inefficient government! "Keep the people afraid, and they will turn to us"! Well, aside from that mother not having a plan, neither does our government! That's right! They have hiding places where they can go to be safe, but the rest of us? Sit down, put your head as far as it will go down between your legs, AND KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE!!! That is their "plan" for the rest of us!
:-) Holla' If You Hear Me!!! :-)
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I agree!
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