Friday, September 7, 2007

Nothing Left to Lose

Well, for the last two weeks I haven't had my granddaughter here after school. My daughter didn't want her around my wife and me. This was due in part to our arguing, but also because of what my wife did. My oldest daughter and her husband decided that the children shouldn't be around someone who would do what she did. I can't say that I blame them, really. I think it teaches them the wrong things, and I wouldn't have it, either.


        So, I guess that on top of ruining a 25 year marriage, my wife also got my grandkids taken away...typical. She says if we divorce, that I have to be the one to file...she refuses to do it. She acts like she doesn't want me to leave, but she had sex with another man. She refuses to tell me the man's name. She says she doesn't want a murder on her hands...she should have thought about that before she had her little "affair"! If anyone files for divorce, it will be her, and she will state that she committed adultery. I did nothing wrong in this whole mess, and she gets off scott-free?


Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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