...The Jena 6 (pronounced GEENA) down in Louisiana, O.J. Simpson in Vegas, Rodney King out in California, and countless others. Namely black professional athletes. Has anyone else noticed a growing trend here? If you are black, and have money, you can do whatever the fuck you want to. The six guys in Jena that ALLEGEDLY beat up a white kid...if the situation were reversed, you can bet the white guys would be charged with a "hate crime".
Black people have learned that if you riot, picket, and burn and loot everything in sight, you will get your way, and fuck the consequences! I say enough! Anyone caught looting or burning should be shot on sight! Black, brown, white, yellow, whatever. I am sick of the courts "looking the other way" when certain types of people create pure chaos in our streets!" But", you say, "there are more blacks in jails than whites". True, but that only shows that black people do more crimes, or simply can't afford lawyers. I have been in jail for various and sundry crimes in my time, and had no problem with black people. The last time I was in jail, there were 25 of us in one cell block. Five of us were white.
Not a single black man there said he was innocent! Not a single one, and they made up 4/5's of the population. Black people commit more crimes, so more of them are locked up. Period. End of story. I have had black people tell me that I am supposed to be afraid of them. When I have asked why, the answer is always the same..."whites are naturally afraid of blacks...". Fuck me runnin'! I must have not gotten a copy of that memo! Shit! Somebody fill me in here...or let me fill you in, maybe?
A black man is no better than you in fighting. A black man bleeds red blood, just like you. A black man is only "threatening" to you if you let him be. Most black people don't want trouble with whites. That is because if it goes to court, the black guy almost always gets the shaft. Unless, the story gets national coverage, and lots of black people descend on a town, and threaten to burn it down! This is how they get what they want.
Get out of your pretty little houses, and your suburban life, and hang out on the streets. Nut up! Motherfuckers! If you don't understand that, then you better stick to your mini-vans, and kid's soccer games, and leave the real livin' to guys like me! Oh, and just a disclaimer here...if you go out and get your ass whooped, hey, it ain't my fault!
:-) Holla' If You Hear Me!!! :-)
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