Okay, let's start you off gently, this being your first time and all. Go somewhere that you can buy some water-color paints, and a rather large "book" of art paper, loose or not. This works for guys and/or girls. Oh, get a couple of brushes while you are there, the cheaper the better. Do not let them talk you into some expensive brushes, you will probably destroy them, anyway. Don't worry, you will like this.
Now, go back home. By the way, if you meet any girls/guys on the way home, stop and talk. Girls/guys just cannot resist an "artist"(you already have the supplies under your arm, duh!) Now, having arrived home, let us begin. If you picked up a ladyfriend/malefriend on the way, well, you are on your own! But, for now, let's skip that part.
Get yourself a small bowl of water, doesn't matter what temperature. Sorry, my cat jumped in my lap, and I had to stop, so read this with a long pause after "temperature". Alright, c'mon, not THAT long! Sheesh! Now, take out one of those cheap brushes, dip it in the water, and take out some of that paper that you bought.
Think of what makes you the maddest you have ever been. Pick a color. And please, be original. Don't pick red just because you think it means mad. This is YOUR painting, not Van Gogh, or Da Vinci, or Michealangelo. Now, I want you to put your brush on the paper, and PAINT. I did NOT say "create", I said PAINT. Just strokes, waves, whatever. Keep doing that untill all the anger is on the paper. Change colors if you need to.
Now, step back and look at your creation. Looks like crap, doesn't it? I know my first one did.What comes out on the paper is not important. What you PUT ON the paper is...all that anger now has a place to live...and NOT in you! I'm not saying to never get angry. Getting angry is a defense mechanism, and we need it to survive. Sometimes we just can't turn it off, so we need a new place for it to go...hence, the art supplies.
Don't throw this first one away. Keep it, but keep it in a closet, maybe, folded up in a box. Do this for the things that make you sad, happy, fearful, needful, whatever. Your creations will develop over time, and some will become so good that you will frame them. Trust an old man, I have been to the "edge" many times and looked down. Sometimes, I get to thinking that "six feet" ain't so far down! But I manage to keep it together.
;-) Holla' If You Hear Me!!! ;-)