I have noticed a strange trend these days. Kids who play games at school can never lose. Consequently, they can never win, either! What the fuck? If you ask a teacher just what the hell is going on, you get one standard answer from ANY teacher..."we don't want anyone getting their feelings hurt".
What!?!? What?!?! What about the kids that did "better" than the others? Don't you think that taking their victory from them "hurts their feelings"? Who the fuck came up with this shit? When I was a kid, if you lost, you tried harder. You didn't cry about it, you simply did better the next time, or you faced defeat like a man. The other guy did better and he won, fair and square!
I don't think you are helping a child this way. I think you are only setting them up for large disappointments later in life. No one gives you anything in this life. If you get anything, you work for it, or take it, plain and simple! The only thing that you are given is a name, the rest you work for.
I hear you out there. You are saying that I let my girls win at things when they were little...you couldn't be anymore wrong! I taught BOTH girls to play chess. Now, do you really think that they would have learned ANYTHING by letting them win all the time? Even video games. IF I could beat them, I did. It was a rare thing, but sometimes I did win. They lost, they tried harder the next time.
What are we saying to the kids that "win"? "Well, you did good, but you just can't win, winning is reserved for grown-ups"? The world is a hard place, and there are no places for those that "do good". The world takes everything from you that it can. Let's not let it snatch victory from those that win. Hell, I have lost before and kept my dignity. I don't think that would have been possible if the other guy had his victory taken from him. You can LEARN from losing, and you can GROW because of it!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
1 comment:
You are light years ahead of your time....damm I wish I lived closer....we would make a good team.....or would we????
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