Sunday, April 22, 2007

Some Useful Information

 Well, I was doing a little light reading today, and found some useful info on depression and bi-polar disease. Want to see it? Ok, here goes...


 Depression in Men - Although men are less likely to suffer from depression than women, 6 million men in the United States are affected by the illness. Men are less likely to admit to depression, and doctors are less likely to suspect it. The rate of suicide in men is four times that of women, though more women attempt it. In fact, after age 70, the rate of men’s suicide rises, reaching a peak after age 85.


       If you look, it says that "after age 70, the rate of men's suicide rises". Shit! If I make it to 70, you can bet I will be VERY HAPPY! I didn't know that people that old contemplated suicide, much less carried it out! I guess you just never know.


               I do know one thing...I got this diesease from my mom's side of my family. Well, at least she gave me something I didn't have to steal or take for myself! My real dad had a couple of brothers that were mildly retarded, but not much else in the way of mental illness in his family. As  an added bonus, my dad always seemed to have his head on pretty straight.  He might not have been much for raising kids (my mom's words), but he was always a straight shooter, and you have to respect that.


            Besides, I have always only heard my mom's side of things. Who knows, the old man might just have remained silent so he wouldn't have to talk about my mom. If that is the case, then that is a class act in anyone's book, and you have to salute that! Anyway, just some random thoughts and musings from the old Dragonmaster today! Be cool, everyone.


                          Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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