Monday, November 27, 2006


   Just to update everyone, we went to my oldest daughter's house for Thanksgiving Dinner last Thursday. Of course, as usual, I was swamped by the two grandchildren. For some reason, to them, I seem larger than life.


       Now, understand, please, that I am not bragging(well, maybe a little), as the children pay no attention to anyone else when I am near. I find this strange, as everyone loves them equally, just like me. My own daughter told me Sunday that the children mind me better than her or their dad. I am mystified by this, as I treat them no differently than anyone else.


         I am more lenient with the kids than anyone else is. It would stand to reason that they would try to get away with MORE with me...but that isn't the case. Oh well, one can go completely bonkers trying to figure out small children and women...go figure.


           Sunday morning I was awakened by severe pain in my ribs on the right side. This is the site of an old injury in which I pulled both lower ribs away from the cartilagenous material that holds them to your sternum years ago. I also managed to snap the nerves that go along with the ribs. A side effect of this is that when the nerves are irritated, you spend a while in the bathroom puking like you have been on a two day drunk.


        So, on Sunday morning, at 5:00 am, I was "worshiping" the "porcelain goddess" for awhile. I was sick off and on all Sunday. This is a fairly common thing for me. The injury has never healed, so I live with the constant pain of it. It's no wonder that I am a little nuts...


              Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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