Friday, November 17, 2006

---Not Quite Forgotten

          This morning I was reminded to do something special. Now, I was gently reminded, by a person I may or may not know. To that person I say thank you. Now then, on to the special thing...


            As of Thursday, November 16, a very good, and close friend of mine has remained smoke free for exactly three years! Take a bow, Ms. Jean. You know that I and my family love ya! Now, to the casual reader here, you may wonder why all the fuss? Well, I am only three weeks behind Ms. Jean.


             As all of you know about the site that I helped start, Ms. Jean was the other person helping with that deal. There were others, and believe me, I love them just the same, but Ms. Jean was the FIRST to respond to me when I signed on to the company's old site. I am keeping things for Ms. Jean that no one knows about, and would be shocked if these things were brought to light. Not bad things, but good things, lively things, things that confirm just WHY I like this person.


            Ms. Jean has put a lot of effort into quitting smoking, and I admire her for it, and even understand it. Having smoked for thirty years or more, I know just how much she struggled with quitting. But we carried on the struggle together. Along with a few others who have since fallen by the way-side.


          But, with us two, and Alece, Sally, and some others whose names fail me at this time, we managed to get through it all. The cravings, the sweating, wanting to rip out the walls in our houses, all of it. I used to spend hours at my pc to keep from wanting to smoke. I guess you could say that finding Ms. Jean also helped me to learn about computers.


         Now don't get me wrong, there were plenty of other people along the way, and the web site is HUGE now. But Ms. Jean is one of the originals, and she cannot go without recognition. She wouldn't want all of the attention, I know how she is. I am the egomaniac, not Ms. Jean. We love her all the same. Good Luck, Jean, and may good fortune smile upon you for many long years to come.


                 Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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