Let me make a prediction, scratch that, an "observation". I think it will not be too long before Mr. Hugo Chavez(the president of Venezuela) will meet with an "unfortunate end". Or, his country will suddenly develop "weapons of mass destruction". Or, he will be 'implicated' in a plot to kill president Bush! Yes, as much as I kind of like the guy, I think that at this time he is in great danger.
Here is an open invitation to Mr. Chavez; come stay with me! Hell, Mr. Bush doesn't even know that Mississippi exists! He would never find you here! Shit, we could go fishin' together while you hide out from Mr. Bush and his "Cowboy Cabinet"! Winter is coming, hell, we could go deer hunting if you like.
As most of you already know, our government has a way of making people "disappear" when they need to. Oh, come on, you KNOW it's true! What about the plot to kill Fidel Castro that was uncovered back in 1989? There were more than 80 U.S. gov't led operations over the years to kill Castro! More than 80 attempts on Castro's life! The man must have outstanding security forces! I think Mr. Chavez needs to get with Mr. Castro, and hire some of his people.....quickly!
I applaud Mr. Chavez for the fact that he recognizes that the American people(the smart ones, anyway), want nothing to do with Mr. Bush's policies whatsoever! The ONLY friends Bush has in the U.S. are the rich, and the oil people. Mr. Bush has done NOTHING for the "common man".(read as "poor"). Mr. Bush and his cronies have led America down a path that will take years to recover from.
The United States is now seen as the "world bully". We will come and knock down your door for just thinking bad things. Mr. Bush says he wants the people responsible for 9/11. Well, gee, Mr. Bush, the people that were "responsible" died on those airliners the very same day as all of those innocent Americans that you pretend to be concerned about. Are you that fucking blind?
Watch Mr. Bush at the podium when he is speaking. He is quick to anger, and even quicker to act stupid. I have never seen another American president act the way he does when he is in front of a bunch of cameras. The man is insane, and a danger to MY beloved homeland. This man does NOT belong in office! Am I the only person to notice that the problem with the voting back in 2000 came from Florida? The state where Mr. Bush's BROTHER just happens to be the governor of? Please.
I will let Mr. Bush rest for now. At least I don't have to make up things about him, he does a fine job of acting like a fool for all to see. I don't think I could have ever come up with some of the shit that he has done! You can bet on one thing....9/11 was NOT an anomally, they KNEW it was going to happen. And now, if I come up missing, we will know why, and, more importantly, who.
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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