Monday, September 11, 2006

Misplaced Emotions

  This past Saturday, I touched on the subject of hate. As most of you know, I hated my mother for a long time. Most of it was because of some of the things she did to her kids. She knew full well just how I felt about her. But before her end came, she taught me a lesson I have not forgotten.


          Before she left this shitty little rock that we call Earth, my mother taught me something about hate, and just how it can be misplaced. She told me, "I know you hate me, but stop and think for a moment...if not for that hate, you would never have lasted as long as you did!".  My mother wasn't the "huggy, feely," kind of person. Her idea of "love" was not having to hit you for the whole day.


           Now, I could look at that two ways. One, I grew up hard, and unable to love. Two, I could have laid around and cried about it. Well, choice number two just didn't fit for me. I knew at a young age that bikers do not like little "cry-babies"......not at all. "So your mom didn't love you, wah, wah, wah, shut the fuck up and go on!" Nice guys, huh. Yes, they were nice guys. They weren't a bunch of baby sitters; you either got along, or you got left behind.


          My mom was right; I did hate her for a long time. But I did thank her for the gravel in my craw, and the grit in my blood. I made it to here, and with some luck, I just might make it a little longer on this shitty little rock!


                    Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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