Now, as most of you know, I quit smoking nearly three years ago. I belonged to a group of people on a web site for that company that made the anti-smoking method that I used. I have never used the name of that company here, but I will now. The name of the company is Smoke Away. If you never believe anything that I say, believe this.....Smoke Away worked for me, period.
Having said that, (you knew there was bound to be more), I would like to say that the people who run the web site(support for non-smokers, and quitting smokers), for the company are complete asses! I was a moderator for the site for just about 11 months before I was dumped on my ass. All of that doesn't really matter, though. No, not any of it. I can burn my bridges and not need to cross them later on. But...
A couple of months ago I went back to the site to contribute a little game for people to play, you know, just to kill some time, maybe help stop someone from lighting up. Other people on the site contribute things like recipes, games, riddles, poems, whatever. The thing I am trying to stress is that everyone is encouraged to contribute. Well, I got jumped on pretty hard by some of the "adults" at this site. Here is why.
Here is a link to the game...
Go there now, I will wait for you to go...go on, I'm waiting! Good. Did you play the game?I know some of you sick bastards are STILL playing it! Ok, here is the deal; I like sick shit like that IF NO ONE IS ACTUALLY GETTING HURT! Are we clear on that? I own cats here at home, or they own me, depends on whom you ask. This is ONLY a cartoon! There aren't even real animals in it!!!
Believe it or not, this got me damn near beaten and flogged in public! Answer me this, if you didn't like the game, didn't you just simply click it off? It was just that simple, CLICK IT OFF!!!!!!! Jesus Harold Fuckin' Christ on a cracker! If you don't like it, turn it off. There were actually people, "grown people", who were calling for my scalp! One "Christian Lady" (her words, certainly not mine), actually sent me evil Emails! I was a "heathen" of the worst kind.
And to make matters worse, one of the mods got onto this runaway train wreck to bash me some, too. I guess it had to look good in the forums. Now, included with the link to the game, was a warning...."this is a really sick game" I think was my warning to the people. What more could you want?
I think it is just too bad that an entire web site can be damaged by a few little cry-baby bitches like that. But, it happens, that is exactly why I am no longer there. Oh, and as for "friends".....don't count on it, baby! I have said many times that "friends" are the first to screw you....and you can count on that!
So? So, go play the game. It is only a cartoon, so no one actually gets hurt. But, please, be an adult about the whole damn thing. If you like it,(and you sick bastards know who you are), good for you. You have managed to make it to adulthood WITHOUT being a crybaby pussy! If you don't like it, and manage to actually turn it off without screaming into the night for my quick and violent death at the hands of some self-proclaimed "christian" person, Then good for you, too. You have managed to become a good adult with a bit of a conscious!
If, however, you hate the game, and now hate me, then, please, replace the kitten in the game with yourself. Oh, and by the way, fuck off!!! I need you about like I need a hole in my head! Have a nice day!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!