Thursday, July 13, 2006

Why My Mom?

   "Why did you even write about your mother?" I get this question sometimes. Some people feel that the parts about her are far too short, and then she dies...sort of kills(sorry for the pun) the story. They're right, except that I think she would rather be alive....I think.


           I only wrote about her to show how hard she was. She was tough, mean, hard as a Marine Drill Sargent. If I could change things, what would it be? Maybe I would have taken fewer beatings from her, but I'm not so sure...those beatings prepared me for a tough life, and I only have my mom to thank for that.


               No one in the world outside your home  gives a flying fuck if you draw another breath. Even to me, the other people walking around in my world are just light bulbs that can suddenly 'wink out' at any given time. I could care less...they don't know me, and I don't want to know them. So are the ways of the world." Everyone will kick you, but no one will help you up, you better do it yourself!" My mom used to tell me this everyday of my life, just before she would kick the shit out of you.


             My mom helped me to see at a young age that only YOU can do anything for YOU! Fuck the rest of the world, you are on your own, and you better learn that quickly. Now, if you happen to be from somewhere that people help each other, consider yourself lucky. Me, I come from the other side of the tracks. I come from the side where people walk over, or on, you when you are down. we say, "life sucks, then you die".


                   Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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