Does anyone else think that Israel needs to stop? I mean, c'mon man! I am sick and tired of them overreacting to any attack on them. I am especially sick and tired of the U.S. helping them all the time! Man, fuck the "prophesies". The Jews got their land 50 years ago, and nothing happened! Give it back to the palestinians! All these years of fighting over something from the Bible?
Do you REALLY think God had all those deaths in mind? Do you think He wanted all these years of war and bloodshed? If you believe that, then you have NOT read your Bible! Fuck, there are PLENTY of jews in other parts of the world...go to those places! Please, I do not hate Jewish people, I just do not agree with all of the death and war! Stop this shit NOW! A palestineian kills a few Jews, and the Jews kill a BUNCH of palestineians.....two wrongs do not a right make!!!!!
Mr. Bush, get the fuck out of that shit! Just WHY do you think 9/11 happened? Does anyone listen to the terrorrists? They warned us this would happen BEFORE 9/11!!! They told us to get out of Israel! Did you think those were idle threats? Do you STILL think that? Let Israel stand on it's own! What about the GENOCIDE that Israel is trying to pass off as a 'war'? It's BULLSHIT! Stop sending aid and weapons to an agressive country!
Mr. Reagan fucked up on American policy in the mid-east by working with Iraq, and Iran, then TRAINING Osama Bin Laden, ostensibly against Russia. That shit hurts when it jumps up and bites us in the ass, doesn't it?
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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