My, my. I was reminded Tuesday of just how small some people can be. We, for reasons unknown to me, shall call this person.....Ms. M. This is going to be good. And keep in mind, ther is NO MALICE intended---at least, not by me, anyway.
Now, what I wrote here yesterday was NOT for sympathy. I merely put it here because I try to never lie to you, the reader. It is something that will affect how often I come here, and the readers should know why I sometimes am not able to be here. That is the ONLY reason I put it here, period.
I decided to send the page to some of my friends...I ACCIDENTLY sent a copy to Ms. M. I was promptly told to take her off my mailing list, which I promptly did. She is still pissed off because I was communicating with someone who said something "hurtful" to her. Guilt by association, or something like that. I hope she gets help soon for that HUGE EGO TRIP she is carrying around. Someone made her mad, and she took it out on me.
She even went so far as to say that by talking to this person, I was actually HELPING them! Gimme a fuckin' break! Look, sweetie, it was just some words on a screen. If you can't take a little "flaming" from someone, (and a chick, at that!), then you need to turn off your 'puter, and go watch Dora, or Sesame Street! Christ -on-a-cracker! Get over it, and yourself.
You see, Ms. M has the idea that SHE is the ONLY person to face adversity in her life.....maybe she is right?? Nah, not hardly! Ms. M has taught me a lot of things about this magical invention we call a computer, and I sincerly thank her for that. She has shared trying times with me from time to time, and I thank her for that, also. Ms. M was what I called a friend; one has far too few of those in this world.
Ms. M, please, for your sake, climb down from your high pedastal....for if you fall from where you are now, it will surely be devastating for you. I mean you no harm, quite the contrary....I feel badly for you. I know you will see this, if not, then I am sure someone will point it out to you.
Take care of each other out there in cyber-land, and HOLLA' If YOU HEAR ME!!!!!
John you can go ahead and delete this before to many people see it.. as I am sure you will do from the way you have shown yourself to be just such a person.
I see on this post you describe yourself as "Feeling Mischievous" gee I would wonder if that is because you are doing nothing but stirring up shit to see if you can get some response. I personally thought my response was very polite.. all I did was quoted verbatim your threat to me then POLITELY asked you to remove my email addresseS from your send to list.
Yes accidents do happen from time to time, and you might have ACCIDENT LY left one of my email addresses in your book and ACCIDENT LY included it when directing people to come read your blog. hmmmm kind of makes me wonder though that you had BOTH of my email addresses and the email address of the other person you have flamed on your blog as well. Only thing is her email addy has changed so she did not get your email or respond to it. In fact she told me it was all probably a ploy to get one of us to respond so you could try to make us look badly and poor poor Johny look like the victim here. Yep I fell for it.
Now I could have posted right here on your blog yesterday, but I know it would have gotten deleted just like this post probably will. I also thought it might be more adult to keep this little tit for tat crap in private. But I honestly did think I kept it rather polite. You say there is no malice intended by you... MY ASS! You intent nothing short of seeing if you can stir up more hate and discontent. I in no way implied that you sent me that email to garner sympathy. I just simply quoted your message to me and then asked you POLITELY to remove my email addresses. Oh come on John you know the post!! This one!
"Quoted from "An Old Biker's Life" on:
Friday, January 28, 2005
11:01:00 AM EST
Feeling Mischievous
Hearing HENDRIX---Are you Experienced??
My initial response was to tell both of you to just "FUCK OFF". But, I have always had MORE RESPECT for the both of you than to do that. So, I won't. What I WILL say is this, and remember it well----
Written by johngjr1960 (Link to this entry)
So take my email addresses off of your send to list. and . (I changed these so as not to get junk mail from any of the "minions" who read this blog)
Thank you."
Yes that is my request at the bottom of the email. Wow that is sure a lot of EGO there isn't it? Now ya know John you implied on that post that if I were to email you that you would delete me, ME, not my email, not my posts but ME. Hmmmmm now if I were to be the trouble making little bitch you keep trying to make me out to be I really think I might have taken that little tidbit a step farther.. as in informing the authorities! But no I did what you and I had agreed upon and have not contacted you in any way shape or form since. Yet this makes the 2nd time you have sent me email. I even all but stopped posting on Sharon's site because I did not want this bullshit to end up on her site.
OK so now I have given you enough fodder for you to flame me some more go for it. OH BTW!! Make sure you get my name right so that everyone you are trying to impress, your "minions", your "children" (wow you are a pompous ass!) know who I am. This is Mairia everyone. You know me from Smoke Away sight. Just so no one is confused by John's ranting over Ms. M.
OK John now you can wipe your mouth off, or your fingers in this case, because you still have some bullshit left on them.
Good day to you :)
Ahhh I feel so much better!
So they are all in upside down. Read from bottom to top. What can I say it is AOL!
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