Friday, April 15, 2005

I don't have a subject today...

 Well, let me see what is up today? Oh, yes, my new "company" seems to be doing well! It is called "Outlander Design Studios". I still make jewelry, but, unfortunately, my little company is not listed in the "Fortune 500" yet!


     Sunday is my wife's birthday....that's right, exactly one week after mine. That's why I married her, I couldn't possibly forget her birthday!! Anniversary? Not a problem, married her on the 4th of July! OK, I hear you in the background..."How old is she"?  Old enough to know better, but still young enough to get away with it!


   Have a nice weekend, folks. Oh, by the way----I have been called many things in my life on this shitty little rock that we call Earth, but  "a Pompous Ass"??  Damn, I nearly died laughing!! I am sure that I could have come up with something far worse than that. Talk about being out-classed, and out-gunned!!


    As for  "my children", and "my minions".................behave yourselves this coming weekend. If any debauchery goes on, HOLLA' AT ME!!!!

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