My, my, my. Idiots---they DO walk among us!! Folks, listen carefully. The great Confucious once said, "Better to keep silent, and let the world think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Read that carefully, and remember it for life. Sometimes it is better to NOT speak!
I spent the better part of Sunday with my wife and youngest child. Now, my wife works for a charitable orginazation, in one of their stores. Naturally, I hear about some of the customers, and their "odd" ways. Well, Sunday, I got to meet one of these 'persons'(and I use that term VERY loosely).
It was a 'man'. Or should I simply say a male of the species Homo-Sapien?. My wife pointed him out as we were looking over some electronics. I knew this guy was gonna be a "dick" before he ever opened his mouth; He did not disappoint me! Maybe some people just don't realize how dangerous life really is??
I walked past him, not intending to speak to him; he blew that, too. He looks me up and down, then asks my wife where she found the "Outlaw Biker Type" she was hanging out with. Then proceeds to expound on the fact that she "surely picked out a big one"! This from a man that would easily hit 400 pounds on the scales!!
I turned back to him, and was about to inform him that I had had enough of his shit, but about that time a small arm slid beneath mine, and she said, rather proudly I might add, that this "Outlaw Biker Type" was her husband. The shock on his face was all I need to see.
But, being who I am, I still gave him my best "fuck off" look. Wife said "lets go", and I left with her and my daughter. It was fun to see this stupid-ass picking his jaw up from the floor!! And, he STILL just doesn't get it! Get what, you ask?
I know he left that store saying the same thing I used to..."How do guys like that get girls like THAT"?? It is simple. I have never hit my wife, I have never slept around with others since we were married. If she says she is going to a friend's house, I trust her to do just that. If someone bothers her, I will intervene---IF I AM ASKED---she has strengths of her own.
I will buy feminine products if she asks. I will hold her purse in public, if need be. I have cared for her when she was sick, and will continue to do so. I will never leave her, unless she wants me out of her life(those strengths I told you about). Almost 23 years ago I promised her SHE was the only woman in my life...that promise is as strong today as then.
How do guys like me get girls like that? We know that a woman is NOT something to be ground under our heel, or used as we see fit. If you believe in the Bible, the way I have read it, Adam was given a gift; a great and wondrous gift! Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs---doesn't that mean Eve was a PART of Adam? But I might be wrong, maybe some read it like Adam should have to ENDURE this woman?? Yeah, that's why THOSE guys are asking that stupid question!!
OK, so this turned into TWO things: Idiots and assholes. You know better than to get me started!!!!!!!
1 comment:
I never said my wife was a gift from God. I merely suggested that if YOU (the general public) believe in the Bible, then women ARE a Divine Gift, as you see it. I think God had nothing to do with us finding each other, it was sort of an "accident" that brought us together---but that is another story altogether!!
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