Monday, February 21, 2005

Is It Finished Yet?


...And the voices, lo, they now speak

To a mind, twisted and weak.

They now scream into my brain-

I feel as if I am completly insane.


They want blood, it would seem,

For actions, real or percieved.

They scream in my mind,

And tell me it is time.


"Time for what", I do not know,

I only hear them saying "Go, go go".

I have tried my best to fight them away,

I fear I have lost the battle this day.


So, for better, or for worse,

I write this down, in line and in verse.

It stands before me, time itself,

I must put everything upon the shelf...


This is terrible, hearing what I hear,

What happens next will bring tears.

But to who? I cannot say,

I only know that this will be a very bad day.


My Muse is dead...killed by the voices

So dark, so lonely, I will make bad choices.

I don't want what happens next,

It seems as if I am vexed.

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