Friday, November 12, 2004

A Simple Man, with a Simple Plan

  "A simple man, with a simple plan".  I can hear you now---"what the hell is that about?"  I just thought that if some of you have not started at the beginning of this journal, then you would not know who I am.

    I am just that, a simple man. But, I can be very complex at times. How can I be complex? If I knew the answer to that, then I might not have to go see a shrink!  I don't like change, at all! This past Tuesday, this new doctor offered to put me in the hospital. I declined, I told him there were too many "nuts" there.

     You see, I don't do well with other people, especially those that I have no knowledge of. Call it fear of the unknown, but with me, it is more of a "control issue". I do not like situations where I have no control over what happens next (if anyone can ever have ANY control of anything, I think it is more of an illusion to placate our fears).

    I am just a person who wants nothing more than to be left alone----yet, I come here and post all of the time?? A human paradox if ever I saw one! That's me, simple, yet complex. I can't even understand MYSELF, how can someone else ever HOPE to understand me?

    A comet that burns brightly, yet stays hidden behind the moon, so no one can see. Dark and light, Yin and Yang, Good and Bad. How does it all fit together, to make a whole? I guess we will never know, at least , not in this life.

       Have a good weekend, my children. Be safe, but most of all, be cool!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love to read what you have to say. John you are a very intelligent and talented writer. Have you thought about a book? Please keep me posted on your doctors visits and treatment. AND, keep writing!
