Wednesday, November 10, 2004


     Well, now, something has come up, here in the pages of what I loosely call my life. Seems someone was called "white-trash" by someone else. Hmmmm, I am not about to get into that one, but it got me to thinking...labels, and how we "aquire" them.

   Now, take me for example...I am ;abeled as "biker", because of my back-ground, and the way I dress, and look, and talk, and view things. Other people see that I live in a large trailer, and say "white trash". Still others see me as a "redneck". And, others see me as a "bully", because I look mean, and don't talk to people when I am out.....hmmmm.

    Now, the way I see it, I AM a biker, a veteran(army), a dad, and a grandfather, husband, Uncle, Son-in-law, and cousin(or "cuz" as we say). So, it seems that even I have labels for me. Wild, huh? It gets better....... Doctors call me "heart-patient, schizophrenic, bi-polar, manic-depressive, "post-traumatic-stressed", and some things that I could NEVER hope to spell!

    At my favorite web-site, I am "administrator", to my wife, I am "husband", "provider", "lover", "friend". To my children and grandchildren, I am "dad", "protector", and "a pretty cool guy to know".

     To my close neighbors, I am "quiet", "strange", "very probabally mean". What was that, about 20 some labels for just one guy? Most of those are correct, some not, but that is OK. I wear the one label that ALL of us wear constantly----HUMAN.  

      Now, go play with some "labels" yourself. And are free to continue your feudin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You missed one!  "Teddy Bear"  LOL  (sorry, first time I've ever replied back...but I couldn't resist remember my first impression label for you!)