Thursday, November 4, 2004

Not Gloating....

 Welcome my children, to the show that never ends!!  How are all of you today?  Shut up---it was a rhetorical question!!! If you have problems, Email me with them, don't tell it here!! Damn, I love my job!! "But, please, oh wise and mighty Dragon Master, what IS your job"?  Ahhh, it has come to that, has it???  Welllllll.........

       My job is to point out Gov't lies, Corporate lies, any deciet going on in the world right now. Aliens? You better be worried about Earth-bound aliens for now, brothers!!  My job is to pick at the festering scabs of the world as we know it, and to make them open up, to become infected with that most vile of ALL diseases,  TRUTH!!!  There is no cure for TRUTH!!

       And on that note, my little turtle is konfuzed, and cannot "chirp" anymore---looks like I need to put it down, and just walk away. Don't worry if you don't get it, the right people most certainly will! Or not--you know what I say, "fuck 'em and feed 'em fish-heads"!!

     "But, Dragon Master, is that ALL that you do"? Most certainly not! I also take up for the under-dog, the little guy who gets stepped on in society. I have been an "outlaw" all of my life. Even in my home as a child. I have been the "under-dog" many times, but I got over it, and decided to stand on my own two feet!  "I will die on my feet before I will serve on my knees"!!

    Suffering from a GOD complex? I don't think so...unlike GOD, I am HERE, and I actually get involved! The belief that there is a "Supreme Being" that oversees everything is just preposturous. Ask the 6 million Jewish people who died in WWII---oh, wait, they are DEAD!  See my point? If you read that the wrong way, then go back to school, I AM NOT anti sematic.

       So, what was the point of today's rant?? I feel like stirring up some trouble. Surely by now, most of you KNOW just how my SICK mind works!!! If you don't, then please, climb aboard the "Train of lost thought". We have room for anyone who just wants the truth from this shitty world of "damage control", "spin artists",  "half-truths", and whatever else people decice to call  LYING!

        By the way, bush won---geez, who DIDN'T see that coming?????????  Now, go stir up some trouble yourself, I amtoo busy with mine to help you!!!  I love being an asshole sometimes!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank - U...........Mike from minnesota

Anonymous said...

    Hey, I am here to serve all, Mike from Minnesota. Keep warm, I lived in Michigan, and visited Minn. a couple of times in the winter...DAMN!!!!