Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life Always Finds a Way

Well, here we are just about two weeks out from a new baby being here! Life always finds a way to perpetuate itself, huh? I will have a new granddaughter to spoil, my youngeat daughter will have a life full of scraped knees, and soccer games to go to. My wife will join me in spoiling the child, as will the oldest daughter and her family. Life does go on. Anytime you think you are better than anyone else, try looking into the eyes of a child. You will see an entire world there that neither you nor I can possibly imagine!

I am sitting here with my music so loud that my sub-woofer is dancing on the floor! I have to get all of my loud listening in before the baby gets here. After she comes, there will be no LOUD MUSIC...just headphones!LOLNow, to the serious shit.

I am not elegible for an insulin pump! I am taking Januvia, a pill, for my diabetes. You MUST have been on insulin injections for at least three months, and checking your blood-glucose levels four times daily, which I am not doing. I check at least once daily, sometimes not at all. I am just tired of all the needle sticks all of the time! I haven't been back to the doctor's office yet, but I imagine she will be pretty steamed up at my lack of diligence. Oh well, she is a grown woman, and will get over it quickly! HAHAHAHA

Let me know if you have any left-over beer or whiskey...good for the soul, and all that noise!

;)Holla' If You Hear Me!!!;)

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