Well, this has been one tough month so far. At least this past Tuesday I had both grandchildren all day! I tell you, those two can wear the horns off of a brass billy-goat! The shit at home is still the same, I hate my wife, and she hates me! At least I have some beer for now. it seems like the only time my muse is around is when I drink. There is Vodka in the fridge, but I hate the taste of that stuff. To me it tastes like lighter fluid!
I will just stick with beer and whiskey! My best friend is named "Jack"....Jack Daniels, that is!!! See that? That was my muse! Don't worry, I am not drunk, I am just on my first....oops, second, beer at this point. I need a whole case to be drunk! An entire case gets me a good buzz for about an hour before it starts going away.
NEWS FLASH!!! I found the Uncle that I write so much about! After at least 30 years, I found him. He is out West, and makes traditional long bows! He is currently making me a custom bow as we speak. His brother, my other uncle, is with him!!! I am making both of them a custom knife to keep! Yes, I still make jewelry, but if you were reading last year, you might recall that I started making deer-horn handle knives. I only make these knives to order, and each one is different from the others. This is neccesary due to the difference in the horns!
Be good, and be good to each other. Keep love in your heart, and never harm others. Love you guys...Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
I keep good company, my grand dad , brothers jim & jack and we'll sit at the table having a good meal of wild turkey
Since when did you start drinking, John???? I thought you'd sworn that off some time ago...
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