We are who we are...we know what we know...we see what we see, and we say what we say. What exactly shapes "who" we are, or "who" we come to be.
Is it the things that we go through as we grow older, or is it the environment that we grow in? Could it be a mixture of both? Are we actually concious of being "shaped" as it is happening? Or do we go through life just "learning" as we go? Is it learning, or is it "ad-lib"? We just sort of make it up as we go along, never sure what is around the next corner? Constantly forced to improvise on the spot.
I ask these things as only a student can. I shall not ask "why are we here"; the answer to that one seems as diverse as the people to whom it is asked. I merely ponder the reason we are what and who we are...or are we even....us? Any thoughts, comments, snide remarks? You know where to find me...
:-) Holla' If You Hear Me!!! :-)
Good Question, I always chalk it up as a product of our enviroment.
Product of our enviroment....that's a bunch of nonsense....it's not the enviroment that shapes you.....it's how you choose to react to that "eviroment"....you are alwalys in control of you. Period!!!
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