Now then, having said all of that, let us move on to something else. I hope that I am finished with that subject. She fucked me over, so it is time to get over it, and to get over her. I now know that she is not what I thought she was, and after this, she will never be the same person. Too bad for her; she was wrong, not me.
So, I have something I would like to bring to your attention. I keep hearing people say that the terrorists have not won, that we go on. Ummm, excuse me, but they DID win. As soon as they blew up those buildings in NYC, they won. Go into ANY airport in the U.S.A. If you so much as sneeze, they will shut the place down for hours at a time, due to a "Terrorist Threat". It happens nearly every day. Back on Sept. 11, 2001, when the FFA suspended ALL air traffic, the terrorists won. I was amused to see that CNN was reporting that flights were taking place about three weeks BEFORE anything was flying!
You see, Memphis, Tenn. has a very large airport. EVERY flight that goes into there can be seen from my house. And believe me when I say that when CNN was reporting that there were flights in the USA, they were lying. If I look to a certain part of the sky, I can see flights that go to Florida, Texas, and any points north. We saw nothing in the skies for many weeks. Longer than what was reported. So, yes, the terrorists did indeed win.
But, let's not be too hasty here. I think there was a little home-brewed terrorism going on thanks to the gov't. Remember the Anthrax attacks? That was the work of some "black ops" people in the gov't. Why? To keep the public in a constant state of fear. Why? So all of congress would turn over COMPLETE POWER to George Bush. What? You don't believe me? Fear not, for I am not the only one who thinks like that. I believe that time will tell the truth. Or, maybe not. Hell, someone got away with killing John Kennedy(wink, wink, L.B.J.). Sleep well, but sleep lightly, because the fangs of the "wolf" could be at your throat next...
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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