Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Last Man on Earth...

....To not own a cell phone! And, I am proud of that fact. I hate cell phones. Why? Because I am slowly going blind, and I cannot see the buttons on them! "Go get some glasses" you say? I did. Within six months they were no good.  I can't use them anymore, they just don't work. Or, actually, it's my eyes that don't work. And, vanity, thy name is me! I hate to pull out a pair of glasses in public!


            Then, there is the "dummy factor". The odd little quirk that says if you are doing something and don't want to be disturbed, the phone will ring! I leave my house so people CANNOT CALL ME! Why in the hell would I take a phone with me? That's just stupid. I am not a doctor, lawyer, judge, whatever. I am not important enough to carry a cell phone. It's just a waste of money.


              I have had people tell me that I am "afraid" of technology...excuse me? "Afraid of technology", I use a computer. I have multiple game consoles in my home(mini computers in their own right!), I even understand the technology that makes new cars run. Did you know that we are no more than five years away from cars that "drive by wire"? Believe me, I keep abreast of nearly all of the tech that I can. I am STILL waiting for "wet-ware". Brain implants that make you smarter, muscle implants that make you quicker, stronger, better. I want to be "wet-wired" now! I would say that makes me more "tech-friendly" than most people. I just don't like cell phones, that's all.


                         Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will definitely succeed at something today. What exactly will it be?
Whatever you most sincerely believe and expect, you will succeed in creating. Whatever you focus your thoughts and energy upon cannot help but become real for you.

There is no doubt that you will succeed today at making a difference in the world. The question is, what difference will you choose to make?

Perhaps the choices you have made in the past have not brought you any degree of satisfaction of fulfillment. But that doesn't mean you must settle for a life that's dismal and unfulfilling.

Because you are free and able right now to set new priorities, to make different, more positive choices. Instead of being successful at failure, you can choose to be successful at success.

Every moment of every day, you succeed at creating the reality in which you live. Choose now to use that power in a positive, meaningful, fulfilling way.