Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just Another Day

 OK, so some of you don't agree with my political ideals...tough shit. I know what I know, and you know what you know. That's what makes America such a great place to live. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if you are wrong! (LOL)


          Have you seen the footage of the two teen boys showing the little kids how to smoke pot? Ain't that some shit! The one boy acted like it was nothing! Look folks, I grew up in a motorcycle gang, and even there,  shit like that would get you killed in a hurry! I could just see me giving weed to some of the other guys' little kids! Let's just say that I wouldn't be here writing this little "column" of mine. I would most likely be a footstool for old Lucifer at this very minute!


             There are just certain things that you DO NOT DO! Giving little kids weed to smoke, and then saying that it "was just some weed", is one of those things. This teenager was actually surprised to find out that he could go to prison! Well, no shit, Sherlock, what was your first fuckin' clue? Oh, that's right, you didn't have a clue to begin with! What a stupid fuck! His sister, the mother of the children, isn't a mental giant either. She stated that the teen should just get some probation, or something. I would give him something for all of his trouble if that were my kids. Brother or not, he would learn the meaning of VENGANCE. I would teach this lesson to him quickly and frequently! I swear, Charles Darwin would be ashamed. It seems that some of us are still "evolving".


                           Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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