As I drive the highways around my home, I have noticed something over the past few years. Bags, white, plastic bags to be exact. It appears that they have become a permanant blight upon our landscape! They are everywhere.
Now, when everyone still used brown paper bags, you didn't see them as much. I am sure that there were just as many of those as there are white plastic bags, human nature being what it is. So, why didn't we notice the brown bags as much?
That is elementary, my dear Watson; camoflage, plain and simple. Brown just didn't stand out as much. The other reason the brown bags were able to go nearly undetected? The brown bags went back to what they were made of...mainly wood pulp and some glue. Ever get one really wet? They would disintegrate on you! Plastic bags never degrade, and if they do it is never as fast as paper bags.
Instead of retail employees asking "paper or plastic", they should ask "something that will degrade quickly, or something that will scar the world around you indefinitely?" We need to do away with these ugly-ass white bags. Hell, the town drunk even complained that the white bags do not hide his beer, and they make too much damn noise when he drinks! Who better to know the "little brown bag" than the town drunk? I say that the expert has spoken; do away with those damnable white bags!!!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!