Well, things are still slow around here. Wife went to get our car back from the shop. It's funny how it took a week to do a job that the book gives two hours for? The dealer said that their Nissan guy was out with pnuemonia. I guess the biggest dealer of Nissans for 100 miles around has only ONE NISSAN MECHANIC? Oh well, shit happens.
There was sleet and rain this morning, mixed together. Some of the bridges were slightly frozen over, but no big deal. There were, however, several wrecks within just a few miles of my home. Go figure! Half of these assholes can't drive on snow and ice, and the other half just stay at home. I used to drive 25 miles to work one way, and have seen it snow just a few inches, and I would be the only one to show up at work!
On a lighter note I still have my granddaughter get off the school bus everyday at my house. She has learned a new game that she and my youngest daughter play nearly every day. You hook up these "dance pads" to the Playstation 2, and dance to the music in the game. You have to place your feet in the right squares on the mats in rythm to the game music. I have watched them, and don't see how they do it.
Saddam Hussien was hanged on December 31, 2006. I didn't say anything about it here, because he didn't deserve to be mentioned, even in this little spot of the internet that hardly anyone reads. I don't believe in taking a person's life, but if anyone ever deserved it....well, you get the idea.
This just in! Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday. Shit, 39 years old, and just collapsed! Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't know her personally, or anything, but only 39 years old, and just died? I am sure the conspiracy nuts will have a field day with that one. On a belated note, one of my favorite actors of all time died last July, and I only found out recently. He was a Japanese actor named Mako. He was great as a bad guy in movies, but equally as good as a good guy. Now that is talent. 'Till next time...
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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