It seems that to be politically correct these days, you must apologize for being a decent Christian person. People can't even put up a nativity scene in their own front yards for fear of offending some asshole with a different religion!
Now, I thought there was freedom of choice, and freedom of religion in this country? Oh, ok, I see now. You are free to practice your religion as long as you are something other than Christian...hmmm.
Let's look at that idea a little more closely, shall we? At last count, it was MUSLIMS who led the attacks on MY COUNTRY back in 2001. It is MUSLIMS who carry out attacks everyday on our troops over seas in Iraq. It is MUSLIMS who have carried out more attacks than can be counted in the last twenty years on just about everybody.
I don't count myself as a Christian, or part of ANY religion, for the most part. But, I DO know what is right, and what is wrong. If you have Christmas decorations that you are afraid to put up, then you are a fool. If you want to say "Merry Christmas", instead of "happy holidays", but are afraid of offending someone, you are a fool.
Now, why would I call people fools? This is AMERICA, not Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran. We have certain freedoms here. I know this as I was in the Army, and it was drilled into our heads that we stood for FREEDOM. You have the freedom to have YOUR religion just the same as anyone else has the freedom to have theirs.
Don't be intimidated by other people using their freedoms, while you sit back and say that you are sorry for being a Christian! Muslim, Buddahist, Taoist, Baptist, Catholic, Hebrew, they are ALL welcome in the U.S. Stand up for who you are, and never back down. I will always be here if you want to talk. I am never hard to find!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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