Thursday, October 5, 2006

Lying...Or Being a Stand-Up Guy

      Lying...some people are good at it, some aren't, but damn near everyone does it. Why? I can't lie too good. I have such a poor memory that I could be lying and not even trying to do it.


         Now, take my brother. That sob can lie like there is no tomorrow. I mean that kid could sell ice water to an Eskimo! The boy doesn't have one single bone of truth in his body. I have had him lie to my face, and I KNEW he was lying! Hell, HE even knew he was lying, but that didn't seem to stop him from doing it.


        Enter my wife, and her pitiful little lies...folks, as lying goes, she sucks at it. Always getting caught in her shallow lies...some of her lies are so transparent that they might as well be glass. But, still she persists. I have no idea why.


         Do politicians lie to us? Let me see, what are the words I am looking for...HELL YES!!!! Take the shit that is going on right now with the Republican Senator, whatever his name is. Making sexual comments to his pages on the internet!! So, what does he do? Run to an alcohol re-hab place, and through his lawyer tell everyone that he has a drinking problem! Sorry, fella, but YOU have a pedophile problem!!


          Doesn't our government, in some cases, seem just like the Roman Senate over 2,000 years ago? Senators with outrageous behavior, and people just look the other way? Well, not here, folks. I see through the lies, and I expose them! Damn near everyone of our Senators and Represenatives have charges pending against them. This is a matter of public record, go look it up!


            I say we fire the lot of them, and start over. If you make more than, say, $50,000 a year, you cannot run for political office in this country. Let's stop sending these rich assholes to Congress to play "slap-and-tickle" with the underage pages! And I think we already know that I wouldn't vote for Mr. Bush for the local dog-catcher, let alone President of these United States! Put the "everyday guy" in office. Someone who knows just what struggling means!!!


          Now, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, liars. Can't stand them, don't like them, no sir, not at all. If you lie to me, you are just so much dirt on my floor. That's what dirt does, you know, lies...........


                          Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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