So, there I was, just checking my mail, when I notice something from a friend of mine. It was a link; a link into another world. This bore further looking into, as one might say. I gladly clicked on the link, and was moderately surprised. I say "moderately" because the link contained some of my ideas.
I will include the url that I was given at the end of this writing. It has to do with the attacks on 9-11-01. While the video in the link touched on some things that I already suspected, I would like to clear up a few things for some of you.
Now, BEFORE 9-11-01, we can see trouble brewing. I think it was sometime in 2000(or maybe 1999), that a jet full of people plunged into the ocean, intact. The second pilot on this plane was Arab. This man was heard over the radio screaming to "Allah" about the people he was about to kill. This was reported by CNN news service the day after the plane went down.
Oddly enough, this piece of news was swept under the rug, and hushed up. No more was ever told of this crash. I doubt if any attempt was made to find any of the wreckage. If there was an attempt, then there was no news footage of it ever shown. But, wait, it gets better.
Soon after that crash, we have the attacks on New York, the pentagon, and the plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Just as America was to go to war against Afghanistan, and Iraq, the Americans quickly pull ALL of their bases out of Egypt. Hmmm, I think the problems can be found BEFORE 9-11-01! All of the signs were there. I would especially like to draw your attention to the downing of the jet liner. The one that was driven, willfully, into the ocean, by the Arab pilot.
As I said before, CNN reported that the Arab pilot was screaming over the radio about the people he was about to kill. The reporters at CNN said that "sources" at the pentagon said that it appeared that the plane was deliberately flown into the ocean. And, again, as I said before, nothing more was told of this incident. Why? To keep the Saudis happy? The same people that George Bush's family does business with? BILLIONS of dollars worth of business with!
But why the sudden pull-out of all our military bases in Egypt? That has never been explained to this day! What about the supposed "plane" that hit the Pentagon on 9-11-01? There has never been an explanation as to why there were no airplane parts visible after the crash. I have seen PLENTY of plane crashes on the news service, and the N.T.S.B. ALWAYS picks up the pieces of the planes that are left behind.
Hell, even TWA flight 800, the one that exploded in mid-air, left LOTS of wreckage behind. Some was floating, and even more was recovered from the ocean floor. They even recovered one, or both, of the so called "black boxes". Very strange indeed!
Here is another thought, and keep in mind that all of what I am saying is just that, my thoughts. What about the Anthrax attacks shortly after the attacks on 9-11-01? We were told that the virus was "Weapons Grade" repeatedly, but no one was ever charged with manufacturing it. Let's keep some things in perspective here. Not just anyone could make "weapons grade" viruses. They would need to know at least basic chemistry. Also, they would need a very large facility to make it as good as it was.
I can't possibly cover everything that this administration has done, or covered up in it's time. At least, not here. Follow the url I will put here for you, it will help to answer some questions. But, ultimately, it only begs more questions.
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!