Sunday, April 16, 2006

You Know I had To---

  Ok, I thought if I just held off this would go away but it hasn't. What am I on about this time? The protests and rallys all around the country by mostly Latino peoples about the new legislation to make illegal alien status a felony. I really didn't want to comment on this, 'cause if I do, I will sound like a bigot. And to some extent, I suppose that I am....


         Two things come quickly to mind. I see the protesters on the news, and most are carrying signs that proclaim "We are not criminals". Yes you are! If you are in a country, any country, illegally, then you are a criminal. You also see signs that scream out, "We are Americans", yet they are carrying Mexican flags!?!? Did I miss something there? You're an American, yet you are waving a Mexican flag? Mmmmm


            You know, if I were in a country illegally, the last place you would see me is in the middle of a big protest. It seems that you would not want to draw any unwanted attention to yourself? Hell, maybe that's just me, huh?  I would try my best to just "blend in", and not cause any trouble....but, what the hell do I know?


            Here is just a thought on this whole mess; if the new laws bother you sooo much, go back to your country of origin!!! There, I said it. No, it is NOT "politically correct", and I don't really give a shit! I am so sick and tired of people coming here wanting a better life, and then bitchin' about something or other! Go back to your fuckin' mud huts, and then tell me how bad it is here!!!


          Did you know that in some states illegal aliens can get full benefits from state and federal welfare programs? I have lived here all my life, and was born here, and I cannot get jack shit from those people. Hell, I even served in the Army, and the Welfare Office treats ME like shit! There are familes that have been getting welfare money for several generations. I can't even get a second look from the bastards.


          So, please, don't come to MY COUNTRY, and then tell me how hard you have it.....I COULD CARE LESS! Leave, go back where you came from....youwont hurt my feelings one little bit.


                    Holla' If You Hear Me!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree totally John. You also know my opinion on these topics and you don't want to get me started, but I agree with you 100%. The real crime, like you said - so many American's have less benefits, especially our elders.


Anonymous said...

AMEN! I live in a state where these "protest" are happening. John I feel just the way you wrote. Can you believe someone changed our Nations Anthem and even "revised" some of the words...WTF is THAT about. If your gonna come it leagally other wise keep the F##K out. NA dlearn the freakin language damnit!!