Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Simon and Garfunkel...A Bridge to the Past

  "Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water" Paul Simon, and Art Garfunkel. One of my favorite songs when I was a small child. The meaning of it wasn't lost on this little boy, at the time. I knew that it meant(to me, at least), that there was hope to solve problems that came up. "Like a bridge over troubled water" meant to me that ANY gap in communication could be "bridged", any problem could be solved. Or so I thought at the time.


            With all of the crap that was going on in my little life, I looked to that song for strength(That, and "Puff The Magic Dragon", but that is another story...), it helped me get through every time my mom would beat me. I would just run the words through in my head during the "beating time" as we called it, and I was able to make it through. OK, maybe the song had nothing to do with it, maybe I was just so mean, and hardened by that time that I really didn't give a shit anymore, but I thought it helped, so there.


        Then, when I was still very young, maybe nine(9) or ten(10) years old, I heard that Simon and Garfunkel had split up. SPLIT UP?!?!?! These were the guys that had sang "Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water"!!! How in the hell could THEY split up?? Couldn't they work it out? Their song helped me, why couldn't it help them??? My little world was shattered. I just knew the song would never work for me again...I was doomed to a cycle of endless beatings with nothing to look forward to. How could I go on? What would I do?


           I found out that I would endure, I would go on. Did the song really help? Yes, it did. I continued to run it through my head whenever my mom got the "itch" to do some beatin'. I STILL, to this day, use the song. Maybe Simon and Garfunkel couldn't use it, but I damn sure do!!!


               Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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