Monday, November 21, 2005

The Amazing Shrinking Man

Looking at my last entry, I see that I can sometimes have a sense of humor...or not. Some people thought it was funny, some didn't. If you thought it was funny, good on you! If you didn't, Piss off. As long as there are people on this Earth, someone will talk about someone else; and not always favorably. Life sucks, then you die...that's all there is, folks!

              As I look back at it, I could have been far more sarcastic than I was...and maybe I should have been. I do not apologize for what amounts to MY OPINION. There is still an American Flag waving at my local courthouse. And since I have served in this country's Armed Forces, I am far more entitled to my opinion than a lot of these liberal pansies running around. I say, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke"!!!

            As well as a weird sense of humor, I seem to have inherited a strange personality. No doubt this is due to the mental illness that my mother, and her mother before her, shared. I can be quirky, high strung, moody, and just downright f'ing mean. The sad part of this?? I don't care most of the time! So, if I put a joke here, and you are offended...please tell me. Hell, I need something to laugh at, too!! You will do nicely...


                   Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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