Saturday, September 3, 2005

Donations for Hurricane Victims

I have been told by my wife that victims need articles for babies; diapers, bottles, formula, you name it. I trust that you will do what you can with this. We have seen how the FEMA people have been dragging their feet. I remember several years ago a large tornado ripped through our town, and left many people homeless. We recieved Red Cross, no FEMA, no federal help at all.

                It seems like if you live in the poorest part of the U.S. no one cares. No one in Washington, anyway. Many of the survivors have moved into our area, and most are just deciding to live here. Everyone in our community has welcomed them here. We are used to "making do with what we have", so we don't mind. We are "country folks", we manage to get by.

             Help if you can. Believe me, anything is appreciated at this point. I think it is a shame that in the richest country in the world, private citizens care more for their people than the LEADERS who are ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE. This is a damn disgrace, and a black spot upon the nation's leaders.


                Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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