OK, as of today, I am officially pissed off! I have been watching this Israeli "Pull Out" from the Gaza Strip. You know, the "settlers"(squatters), who were never really authorized to "settle" there. The people have actually brought in folks who DO NOT LIVE THERE to help them resist the Isreali Army!! Folks who have NO BUSINESS there, getting help from other folks who have NO BUSINESS there!
This just helps to further my idea that the Isrealis are behind most of the problems in that area. Did you know that the U. S. provides two BILLION dollars in aid(monetary) EVERY YEAR to these people?? We just give it to them. It isn't a loan, it falls under "foreign aid". Now, they say they will need an EXTRA TWO BILLION this year, to help with the "resettlement" plan!
I say no more. For Isreal, and for any other country that currently recieves "aid" from the U.S. People seem to think that if Isreal falls to the Muslims(palestineians), that God is coming to put an end to mankind. It will be the end of the world.....I don't think so. Where is their "God" when suicide bombers are killing their people by the bus-load? Is it His design? Maybe these people were "sinners", so they had to die?? Is it just me, or does ANY of this shit sound stupid to you, also??
We have children HERE, IN AMERICA, that go hungry. Some even sleep on the streets. I live in Mississippi, I KNOW what poverty looks like. I have seen it, and have lived it. Hell, I am living it right now!! Quit giving OUR money away, and saying there isn't any money for our schools, or for free clinics, or for drug treatment centers, pregnant women's centers, abused women and children's shelters, places for the homeless....the list goes on and on!!
Now we have members of the United Nations pressuring the larger countries to just "forgive" the TRILLIONS of dollars owed by poor nations. This will "magically" lift these nations out of poverty.....BULLSHIT!! We also have "Rock Stars" doing this "Live 8" bullshit, to try to raise MONEY for world poverty......yeah, right.
I go by the old adage, "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But, if you teach that man to catch fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Quit throwing money at these stupid people. The only ones who get the "aid" are the crooked assholes in the gov't of these countries. What should we do, just forgive their debts, then loan them MORE MONEY, so that we can come back in ten years, just to "forgive" them again?? Teach these people to fish!!!(metaphorically, anyway).
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!
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