Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Some Free Time

  Well, well! I have just spent a FANTASTIC weekend with my wife of 23 years. You see, the fourth of July is our anniversary. That's right, we were married on the fourth! My daughter had the last two days off, so I have been without the grandchildren. So, let's talk "turkey".

       I see where Martha Stewart is finally talking about her "prison" stay. She says it was just horrible! Yeah, I'm sure it was. No color-co-ordination at all, no gardening for the cameras, no having someone to do everything for you----my God, how horrible for her!! I only hope that she can get over her ordeal! I am sure that the MILLIONS of idiots that make her richer by buying the inevitable book that will certainly come from this will help her to recover.

         Ms. Stewart also commented that the government wanted to "knock her down a peg, to scare others". Maybe she should check the records. Insider trading has ALWAYS been illegal!! Just ask some of the boys from Enron!! She feels that she was "singled out". Sorry, sweety, you broke the law, and you only got slapped on the wrist. It is hard for me to come up with sympathy for that! I have spent more time than that in jail for a simple assualt charge!

          Believe it or not, people are already tripping over their tongues to get to this woman. She has already been guaranteed a network show this fall, when her "house arrest" is over with. Ms. Stewart calls that punishment "hideous". BOO-FUCKIN'-HOO!!!  I feel so bad for her.

          From what I understand of the laws surronding insider trading, she could have gotten A LOT MORE TIME, along with some hefty fines. But she didn't, so she should shut her mouth about her being "singled out". And to go a step further, none of the people who are found guilty of this crime have EVER given back a penny of the millions of dollars that they make on these deals!!!!!  So, yeah, I would say that Ms. Stewart should shut up. Maybe the I.R.S. has found their next Willie Nelson?? One marvels at the possibility....................................


    'Till next time, brothers and sisters!!

      Holla' If You Hear Me!!!

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