So, a few weeks ago I was asked where I stand politically, left, right, or conservative. Well, I had to do some research. What I found was this; If you support the Left, then you are a liberal, tree-hugging nut! If you support the Right, you are some kind of Bible-Thumpin', ultra conservative mid-western housewife!! Hmmmm...
So, there I was, in this dilemma, with no answer forthcoming. Then it hit me right between the eyes!! I am somewhere in the middle. I am a "MOR"...middle of the roader!! I don't lean toward either side, I just sort of bend in the direction that works for me.
It works like this; I don't believe in "Gay Rights". I believe in human rights. If you are gay, that is fine with me. I don't think you need to have a parade every year to show off. I cannot think of a single instance where a bunch of hetrosexuals got together and said,"let's have a parade every year to show that we have sex with our partners". But, on the other hand, I don't think you should be locked up for being gay---China, however, would be happy to lock up all of their gays. They say that they can be "re-educated". Ummm, yeah, ok.
I'm not gay-bashing, just giving you an idea of who I am. Now, for the other side. I do not blame rock-n-roll, rap, grunge, funk, fusion, jazz, punk, disco, classic, or any other kind of music for the ills of our youth. Nor video games, nor television. Sit up straight, and catch this one---it is the parents! That's right, bad parenting, nothing more, nothing less.
I do not believe animals have "rights". Too many people believe that they do. Here is most of the problem in a nut shell; Hollywood. That's right, Hollywood, that bastion of clean, conservative living, where every "star" has a "cause" to bring to the attention of the people. Half of them have no idea what they are talking about. C'mon, folks, they are "actors", not scientists. Once a star lends his/her name to a cause, people will throw money at it all day long! Get real.
Ok, so I'm not left, and I'm not right,(probably in more ways than one). I am just little ol' me. I still think the drinking age should be 18. I say if you can send young men (and now, women), to die, they should be allowed to drink. I think convicted felons should never be allowed to vote...ever. I believe in the right to own firearms, as long as I don't shoot my neighbors, or try to rob them.
I believe in Mom, Apple Pie, and the sanctity of the American Family. That means two people of different sexes, by the way. I grew up in the sixties, and saw my share of hippies, yippies, and whatever else you wanted to call them. Hell, I am one! But the sixties are over, so let's just go on with our lives. And, no, dolphins have never spoken to me, same goes for whales, too.
So, like I said, I am a "MOR", and I think I like it in the "middle of the road" makes it easy to dodge all the bullshit, no matter which side it comes from!!!
Holla' If You Hear Me!!!