Stay with me in the coming days, folks, we have MUCH to speak of, or, at least, I do! You just take a seat, and let me do the driving. I promise you WILL learn some things.
Have you heard of a man named Micheal Crichton? He wrote a little tv show called "E.R.", and some story about some dinosaurs, you might have heard of it, "Jurasic Park"? OK, so you know who he is. Did you also know he has written another book? The name of it is "State of Fear".
In this book, which he states is purely fiction, he shows how we, as a people, no, as a NATION, are kept in fear of EVERYTHING! Now, let me state right here that I have NO connections to Mr. Crichton. I wouldn't know the man if he walked up and smacked me. But, I do know this...YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!
Even though it is pure fiction, he backs it up with REAL FACTS!! I learned a lot of things that I never realized before. Did you know that global warming is a scam? If you read this book, you will truly be amazed at just what you find.
I have always questioned just HOW scientists can come up with the "facts" that they throw around. You will be amazed to find out that some of those "scientists" are driven by the bottom line---how much money they can generate from grants. I never knew where to look for more facts, but I do now.
You see, Mr. Crichton gives precise names, dates, even graphs and web sites for his information. He even tells you at the beginning of this book that it is fiction, but it is backed up with ACTUAL FACTS. And, so far as I know, all of it is real. You will be astounded at what goes on with "environmentalists", on every level of their world. The lies, the manipulation, the out-right twisting of facts.
Get this book! I can't stress this enough. I am not getting anything out of telling you this, only the satisfaction that I can give you the information you need. I stated long ago that I would expose lies, and mis-information when I found it. Well brother, I have found it big time!! Actually, I should say that Micheal Crichton found it, he then steered me in the right direction; credit where credit is due!
After reading this book, certain recent, tragic events will come to mind(think giant tsunami). You will be completely overwhelmed, especially since this was being written BEFORE certain things happened. I have actually read parts of this book more than once!! It is that good.
Now, for the bad part of the review...the story kinds of drags at certain parts, and you can always guess what is going to happen next. I can't understand WHY he wrote it this way. The facts ALONE would stand on their own merit. This would have been a fantastic NON-FICTION work on it's own, but I guess no one buys non-fiction works. Besides, I hate critics, and don't count myself among them. The story is good if you like that sort of thing, but I prefer hard facts, and this book has them by the bundles!
But, now for more GOOD things about this book; the theory behind it can be applied to almost anything in the news today! Translated, that means the war going on in Iraq. Oh, Yeah, you might want to keep in mind the "little thing" going on in Afghanistan, and the hostility that the Bush administration has expressed for Korea and China in the same breath. Mr. Bush, you(that means US), will positively GET YOUR ASS KICKED IN CHINA!!
Take an old Biker's advice, "Don't start nothin', there won't be nothin'". Keep it real, folks!!
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