Welcome, my children....welcome. What is one to do when one is completely fed up with the world?? In the last six months, I have had more people lie to me than I care to mention. Some were close, some weren't. It doesen't matter WHO, what matters more is WHY??
I refuse to name any of these people, they KNOW who they are....and yes, there is more than just one. Here's the thing...I don't lie. That's right, I said it. I suck at lying, and am very easily caught at it. I learned this at a young age, so I turned into one of those people who just puts it out there. If you don't like it, then take a number, 'cause, baby, you ain't the first!!
Did you ever have one of those days when you just sort of give up? Now, imagine that for EVERYDAY. Welcome to my world. Here is another fact that might interest some of you....I love to read about serial killers, and mass murderers. Anything I can find out, it all goes into the hodge-podge that is my mind.
Now, there is a distinction between these two types of killers. Serial killers are almost always sexual perverts. They merely kill to keep their secrets. Ahhh, but mass-murderers, those are my favorites! Let me expand that thought. We'll just call them MM's for short.
You hear about serial killers killing maybe, at the most, 30 people before they are caught. Some of the top-scoring men in this category---Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, And some scruffy looking dude from Texas, or Arkansas. I can't remember much about the last guy, but the police think his numbers could have gone as high as the fifties.
Next, come the MM's. No one ever pays much attention to them. Why?? NO TRIALS! They choose to go out like a man, not whimpering and crying, sitting behind a battery of lawyers trying to save their sorry asses. They are NOT in it for the long-haul. They are the guys that one day decide, "I have had enough, and I am about to let the world know it!!".
These are the guys who "snap" all at once. These are NOT the guys that people remember as being "nice, friendly, a very out-going person". You ONLY hear that about serial killers--they are pussies!
Here is another cool fact to keep you awake at night...people who are drawn to MM's are always thinking, "hmmm, I bet I could beat that". They are talking about the numbers, of course. Everyone can beat the last guy. Well, I have a list of people, just a little something to get me started. Funny thing, though, the list is growing....rapidly!
So, the next time you are out in a public place, look around carefully. But, relax, everything is cool. You have no Idea what we look like, you only find out when it is too late...............................................................................There is a reason you are called "prey" (pray)....