Wednesday, January 12, 2005


 I let my wife drive now, all the time. I never drive anymore. Now, that's not to say she didn't drive before now, it was about 50/50 with us. Because of my terrible mood swings, violent temper, and vision problems, it is just safer to let her drive.

  What does ANY of this have to do with the title you ask(you DID read the title, didn't you?)?  Now, I can see things that I have missed before when speeding down the road. Some things are quite disturbing, for example; A statuary in a person's yard.

 This "piece of art" depicts a Mexican man leading a small burro. It stands there, night and day, glaring for all to see. A shameful thing, at best. Why would I even care? My daughter is married to a Mexican man. My grand children are half Mexican. Therefore it it offensive.

 You see, people around here used to have little black men in their yards, holding lanterns, leading small burros, whatever. They were sort of "outlawed" a while back. I don't think there was a law passed, or anything, but it was considered in bad taste. I still think it is.

  I wonder just HOW FAST someone would come down on these neighbors if the little man in the yard were black?? I am thinking it would be fairly swiftly. But, the Mexicans who live around here "don't want no trouble". So, they put up with the humiliation. They also put up with people doing them wrong in other ways.

 It's disgusting, really. One group can yell foul play, and another can't. Hey, neighbor, why isn't there a little WHITE GUY in your yard?? Why not a BIKER?? Why not a farmer?? Why not a RED-NECK?? We have PLENTY of those around here!! Oh, wait, YOU ARE ONE!!!!!

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