Well, I went to see the eye doctor this morning. My vision has been failing for the last two (2) years. Doc says everything is cool, my arms are just too short!! Actually, my poor eyesight is only due to my age. He should have a pair of bi-focals ready by Monday. Now, I can get back to my jewelry-making.
I hope all of you got just what you wanted for Christmas...I surely did! Here is the good news...I am not rich, not even lower-middle class! I happen to be in a class all my own---independantly BROKE!! But the wife got me some small things, and she gave me the gift of staying with her all these years. What more could a man ask for?? Actually, ALOT!!!
By that I mean that I got to play with the grandkids on Christmas day!! That was truly all that I wished for. There can be no bigger joy than to be surrounded by the people who know you, and put up with you.
I hope all of you find what you are looking for. We are ALL searching for SOMETHING, you cannot deny it. Find it, embrace it, and never let it go. I found mine, but it took time and determination. Plus, I never let go of the dream of finding it!!
I really enjoy your stories. Some are great and happy, others are sad, the wonders in life can be hard on some of us. I know too. But I want to say I think your journal is very inspreational. I am sorry you had a rough life, I know what a rough life is too, though it appears your life has been rougher than mine. I still consider life a big drama sometimes, and want to run away. John i think you have done well for yourself. And I want you to know we bikers stick together in our world. No matter what. We are always out here for ya! We are family!
Thanks, Bro. I strongly believe that every "rough spot" and "bump" along the way only served to make me hard, and also kept me from doing away with myself at a very young age. I sort of took the attitude of "That's all? You got something worse"? I am still like that today. Take care, Bro., wherever life leads you.
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