Ha, Ha!! I can write any old way I want to!!!! To hell with your rules...I do things MY WAY!! As for today's subject..."Alien Abductions", let's take a practical approach to this "problem"!!
First, and most important of all, I have NEVER been abducted...ever. I spend LOTS of time outside at night, watching the skies, and looking at the stars. I have seen planes, jets, helos, even ducks and geese, late in the evening, but so far, no "starships". I find this to be very strange. If all of these people are being "abducted", then shouldn't we see more positive proof. Something more than shaky videos, and "regression therapy", that is even more shaky than the videos?? It is kind of like "ghost hunting"--pointless, and a waste of time!
Why is it that "Aliens" only pick up people who write books, or people that "just happen" to know a good writer, or publisher? Wouldn't the "Aliens" be interested in stupid people? I would be...I would want to know about the so-called intelligent life on a planet if I was about to "take over".
And what is this shit about cutting up cattle all the time?? Let's look closely at that question. If you get a map of the U.S., and do a little homework(i.e. find the locations of "attacks" on cattle), you will see that nearly all, or actually ALL of the "attacks" are in an area that starts out in New Mexico (White sands area ring any bells?), and spreads outward in a circle. Further homework (weather charts) will also show that the "attacks" follow the wind patterns as well.
What does all of that mean? Your "Aliens" are nothing more than the U.S. Government testing cattle for radiation fallout, from nuclear testing years ago! Problem solved! The information is out there, folks, I just try to bring you SOME of it....hopefully, it will STIMULATE your mind, and cause you to question things, not just agree, and accept what other people are telling you!!
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